Photo Essay


Illusionary Equilibrium of
an Aboriginal Mind


Evoking a myriad of emotive commentaries through photographic tactile plasticity becomes redundant when relating to Indigenous perceptions. Is my cultural influence pure, am I challenging the myths of a people frozen in time, is the visual narrative a confronting commentary, does the work deconstruct the ideology of an ancient culture evolving in contemporary society? Whilst the physical images conjure a conceptual environment in which primeval connotations are challenged, have I categorised the advancement of civilisation and with that a prescriptive view that isolates, divides and perpetuates the myth of what I am attempting to narrate? 

A library of contradictory, spiritualised, ideological captures would best describe my work. Conscious of philosophising a prescribed cultural perspective, I leave it to my peers to attribute meaning. The contradictions that have to be faced on this dimension are often related to the tension between purpose and absurdity, hope and despair.


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